November 2013


  • Changes to the 2013 SMSF annual return

    Some house keeping to alert you all to  number of changes for SMSFs which apply for the 2012-2013 year. The most important to note are: Section A: Item 6 has been changed from Fund Auditor to SMSF Auditor. An SMSF Auditor […]

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  • Superannuation Assets

    On the 5th of April, the Minister for Financial Services and Superannuation – Mr Bill Shorten, issued a joint media release covering the Governments plans to Tax Earnings on Superannuation Assets which Support Income Streams.  The Release is set out […]

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  • SMSF’s – Tax Certainty for Beneficiaries of Deceased Estates

    The Treasury has released draft legislation into the taxation of superannuation fund assets upon the death of a member. Under the current legislation, investment earnings derived by a self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) from assets supporting pensions are exempt from tax. […]

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