September 2017


  • Auditor Reporting Guidelines

    One area of discussion that can often be rather unclear is, “when are auditors required to notify the ATO of a breach in the SIS Act?” Firstly, the auditor needs to identify a contravention. This can be black and white […]

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  • Strategies to Eliminate Death Benefit Taxes

    WHAT IS DEATH BENEFIT TAXES? Death benefit taxes are something that can be very complicated and unexpected for beneficiaries of a Superfund death benefit payment, particularly where that deceased member has not implemented the appropriate estate planning strategies. When it comes […]

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  • smsf

    Trustees Moving Overseas… SMSF Residency

    SMSF Residency If one of your SMSF clients were to call you today and let you know they are planning to move overseas on a permanent or temporary basis, would you be able to provide your client with the appropriate […]

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